Why I Want To Become Like My Beloved Granddad

and share this story with you.

Kristina God, MBA
1 min readMar 9, 2022
Why I Want To Become Like My Beloved Granddad
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“Ok Granddad, better run — lots of love, speak soon, bye, bye…”
“Bye Kristina, don’t work too hard!”

Not every call ended like this.

But my grandfather always picked up on the tone of voice, a variety of utterances without words that betrayed that I was juggling too much at work.

Right before my grandpa died, he gave me $2,000 cash.

He kept those dollars for almost two decades.

One day he gave them to me to fulfill my greatest childhood dream:

to cross the ocean and travel from Germany to America.

Those are just two examples of gazillion others why I want to become my granddad.

He’s my hero and I miss him EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.

He died three years ago.

He is really not dead, as long as I remember him and share this story with you!



Kristina God, MBA

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Copywriter⚡Join my Online Writing Club: https://kristinagod.substack.com