Well, Rui. That’s the question.
From a marketing/public relations standpoint, it’s not smart to go this way.
The specialists in the company should know how to create the best feed possible — as on other social media platforms.
When I announce a new feature this feature needs to be at a specific level, don’t you think?
Breana (Product Team) recently said they will tell us when it’s an experiment because that’s why most people left Medium. They want to rebuild trust by offering sustainable features, raising the bar for more quality content, less curation etc. I watched ALL interviews Tony gave and read every story about Medium I can find. Medium has become my digital home.
So this is definitely work in process/an experiment and they should tell it how it is and not promote is as the TRUE follow feed because it’s not.
You test it, test it, test it and then you go out in public. I loved your recommendations, Rui! I love that Breana put them on the list. It’s great that they listen.
I also want to trust the process and shape the future of Medium together with you and the team. However, this FEELS to be an experiment again and many new or more senior writers are angry about it.