New Writers, Why You Should Forget About Long Form Stories

and increase your earnings with short form writing.

Kristina God
7 min readApr 8, 2022
New Writers, Why You Should Forget About Long Form Stories
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I know the advice about writing on Medium is booming.

And yes, I’m guilty.

I’m also one of them who share their tips and tricks.

But I’m also a 20x Top Writer on Medium, belong to the Top 1,000 writers, host a successful Boot Camp where I help writers to gain fantastic results on Medium.

I’m also an experienced marketer and brand manager…. I have a stamp of credibility, don’t you think?

So please hear me out!

Is it true that if you want to make good dollars, you need to make your articles a 5 min. read?

This is what Mark Kleimann asked me yesterday when I shared a piece about Medium’s updated Code of Curation.

This story is my answer to it because so many new writers ask me this.



Kristina God

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Writing and branding coach⚡Join my Online Writing Club: