Hi Daria,
Welcome to our community! I found you via 'Writing Moms'. I can so relate to your story. My family and I also got sick with Coronavirus. It was pure horror. To be honest, you are the third person on Medium I've found yet who wrote about his/her infection. That's so brave and so good for the healing process.
Here's my article: https://medium.com/illumination/how-to-practice-the-joy-of-missing-out-and-to-say-no-when-it-matters-most-a23826c2104a
Moreover I would love to invite you to connect with me AND join the Modern Parent Community here: http://modernparent.io?grsf=o55tm7 We would love to welcome you in our community!!
I'm from Germany. Where are you from?
Do you also suffer from long Covid? Do you have the strenght to live an active life again?
I can also so relate to the little apartment... we moved too...
Your watermelon story is sooo touching. I hope more people will see it.
I will tag you in one of my upcoming articles!
I'm looking forward to reading from you.
All the best,