Hi Attila, hi Henrik,
I feel dirty too and it doesn't feel good. It's not because it's dirty that I replied but you're making it dirty.
At least once per day, I refer to a fellow writer to promote his/her work. pub, whatever.
Since Attila shared his controversial claims and a lot of new writers are reading it, I wanted to somehow defend short form, yes.
But it's not a rant.
The rant (speak or shout at length in an angry, impassioned way.)was the article Attila wrote.
Without citing Attila my short form reads like this.
The other day,
Attila Vágó
surprised me.
He published a controversial piece called Why Shortform Stories Are The Worst.
I promised to give a statement in form of a… well, short form.
- Yes, people asked for it.
Our attention span is lower than from a goldfish.
- People skim, browse and scroll.
With short form writing, you have to get to the point, make your writing short and sweet — without the fluff.
Reading a short form piece is like a first date.
Do you want more? Read the long form piece!
It's here to stay.
That's it.