Here’s What’s Holding You Back From Being Happy in 2021

Ask yourself these questions and feel happier in 2021

Kristina God
5 min readDec 18, 2020

Let’s be honest. We all know these typical Monday mornings in the grey office. After a colorful weekend, you are sitting there. Again. As usual.

Your day is set.

Finally, it’s 5 pm. The end of the workday!

Now you can go to the gym — if you make it out of the office on time. Otherwise, you might go straight back to your anonymous hotel room or, if you’re lucky, home. Commuting by car, bus, train, or plane.

In the evening, as you’re lying in bed, you think: “Monday — check! Four more days ‘till the weekend. Yes!”

This is your daily grind. You’re not doing badly. But not very well either.

Everything is routine. Life on autopilot.

The adventure of life is calling you

But one day. There comes a moment.

As usual, you were expecting to open the office door on Monday morning. But this time everything was different.

Maybe you were sent home for an indefinite period of time. Or you no longer have a job. Maybe a global pandemic closes down your company.

Suddenly, everything is different. Life no longer runs on autopilot. You can feel it in your bones: a new era has begun. We’re living in a new world.

Of course, this overwhelms you. Maybe you feel defeated and broken. At first, you’re paralyzed. Passive.

But at some point, something shifts. You’re not paralyzed anymore. You become active.

What do I really, really want?

When the world holds its breath, there is room. Room for your burning questions. Maybe it starts like this:

How am I going to pay my rent?

What will happen to my company in the next few months?

Will we get enough orders?

What will happen to my team?

Will people get fired?

How secure is my job?

Will I be fired?

I know. It is hard. But stop asking yourself these questions just for a moment and come on a (mental) adventure. Because none of us knows the answers these days. Only time will show.

Exhale and give YOURSELF some room. Rethink your own situation.

Start with this essential question:

What do I really, really want — in my (professional) life?

Support from Silicon Valley

The good news is you’re not alone when you’re asking yourself: what do I really want?

Silicon Valley is on your side. When Google for instance launched Google Workspace they also shared their vision of the future world: if you are a knowledge-worker, your office, your working life can be wherever you are. Our work won’t be a physical place we will go to anymore.

The crisis has acted as a catalyst

In recent months, many companies have been forced to take a crash course in digitalization. Now, they’re transforming and picking up speed.

Those who were lagging behind have gone from zero to a hundred.

Our working world is being reshaped. Digital is becoming the standard.

Companies are good at adapting when their survival is at stake, and we would be wise to follow their example: step over the threshold in your mind, let go of the old and embrace the new.

This could be working from home with your team via Google Workspace or applying for a completely different job. At another company. Anywhere in the world.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to move to the sea or the mountains? But your job, and thus your life, was here, in the city. Or the other way round. You live in the countryside, with your family, and work for a small local employer. Now you have the chance to connect with the whole world. Where would you like to work?

To do this, think about your hidden talents: which of these skills will be needed in the future?

What’s your meaning of life?

Once the daily routine no longer exists, the possibilities are endless. Ask yourself — what is it that will bring me joy, what makes me want to get out of bed, what will make me whole as a human being and not just a robot?

Maybe you want to educate yourself further.

Maybe you want to share your knowledge.

Maybe you want to apply for a job on the other side of the world — knowing that you can stay put with your family or go part-time so you can spend more time with your kids.

Maybe you do want to move — to somewhere that feels more like home.

Maybe it’s as simple as starting to garden on your balcony.

When moving forward feels hard

So the Skype job interview with the other side of the world went well. You can work from home permanently.

You have the letter of resignation in your hand.

You’ve found an apartment in your favorite place.

You’ve found an online training course to help you to upskill.

You’ve written the script for your first own online course.

Suddenly your life is exciting again. Adrenaline flows through your veins. Your heart beats wildly. You are feeling… courageous, capable, alive!

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.” Joseph Campbell

But when an opportunity presents itself for you to shape your life, taking that final step, crossing over the threshold of change, can be hard.

You wonder, shouldn’t I turn back, stay where I am?

After all, everything is fine? Isn’t it?

But what if you don’t cross this threshold now? If you don’t try it?

You might end up living those most regretful of words: If only I’d…

Know your biggest obstacle

The working world of the future is not rigid. It is digital and individualistic. That’s a great opportunity.

So ask yourself one final question:

What is holding me back from my journey?

Maybe the answer is:

Me! I’m my biggest enemy.

And that might sound scary, but it’s good news! Everything starts and ends with you. With your commitment. Your life is in your control.

“We are the hero of our own story.” Mary McCarthy

Be the hero of your own story and be happier!



Kristina God

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I Writing and branding coach⚡Join my Online Writing Club: