Hello Tom, I hope you're doing fine. Since we haven't been interacting for weeks now and you haven't publishes anything anymore, I just wanted to reach out to you. I read this last article from you and I image you riding the bicycle. enjoying spring and maybe working on a handful new articles. As you are an engineer. maybe the book auf yogi Sadhguru could help you. It's called 'Inner Engineering'. I'm sorry to hear that your views halved. I've also experienced that the metrics may have changed. As you say the metrics are out of your control. Similar to other peoples opinion. You can't control them. I hope you reconnect to your inner Tom-my boy and I'm sure, if you want to continue your journey on medium it will flourish. Maybe not the month. Maybe not in a year. But with consistency (such as in love and regarding family) I'm quite sure it will pay off. You've built a wonderful publication! The shortform is unique. You are unique! Believe in yourself. All the best, Kristina 😘😘